Dr. Alex Rovt

In the world of finances and business, Alex Rovt is well-known.  However, it should be noted that he has changed his occupation to “Philanthropist”

In a call from Paris, Stephen met Alex.  “I am from Munkacs/Mukachevo in Transcarpathia. I will help you in any way I can, just ask.”  Isn’t that what our Lord tells us, isn’t that what you would have us do?

The medical and health world in Transcarpathia has been blessed with the gifts of this courageous man.  he came to the US with hope.  That’s what a lot of people do.

He has been elected to be the Chairman and CEO of SARA.  He is assisted in Hungary and Ukraine by our Executive director, The Rev. Dr. David Pandy-Szekeres, Dr. George Szilagyi, Dr. Csaba Halmy, Dr. Zsolt Hegedus and Dr. Mihaly Tapolyai.  Protestant, Roman Catholic and Greek Catholic clergy facilitate our gift-giving process.  The Rt. Rev. Antal Majnek is our liason for the Roman Catholics in Transcarpathia, Ukraine.  We supports many outreach programs in both countries.