Emergency funds needed:

Dear SARA friends and family,  the situation in Ukraine remains volatile.  As the Co-Founder and President, I am writing this note on Saturday, February 22 in a safe warm home in Northeast Ohio.

Pondering the state where the SARA sites remain, the finance committee of SARA is posting an urgent plea for funds and prayers.

The St. Michael’s Home in Rat houses children in four family settings, provides food and clothing to neighbors, provides educational opportunities for children.  It is under the auspice of the the Roman Catholic Bishop of Transcarpathia.  Our Vice- President, Lana Sakash, is also the ecumenical director and oversees the many services of the office.


The Good Samaritan Children’s’ Home in Nagydobrony, was originally a home for sixty abandoned and neglected babies and little girls. Most of the original residents have grown and relocated through  marriage or further education or employment.  Today, the census is well over 100, including 6 little boys. The Home welcomed refugee children also.

TheRegional  Childrens Hospital in Munkacs/Mukachevo has many well trained physicians and surgeons.  Many of the surgeons have received further education and training in the US, England, Germany and France.  The cost of their training was provided at little or no cost to them personally.  Donations of airfare, food and lodging and supplies were afforded to all of them in all cases. SARA supplies equipment and vitamins for the patients.  No funds are used for the personnel of this facility

While this is a brief summary of SARA’s work in Ukraine, the needs are of a grave vast emergency.  Our Executive Diretor, The Rev. Dr. David Pandy-Szekeres, has informed us that food in this region is not always available, personal items such as diapers and female personal products are in short supply.  Many items are confiscated at the borders from Hungary, Poland and Slovakia.

If you are still reading this mote and contemplating: “how do we provide assistance to these three sites?”

Please send donations to the Heartland Conference Office.

Funds are transferred directly to the Executive Director in Hungary.  Through Christian volunteers, items and food are purchased at the lowest costs and transported personally by him.


I plead with you dear brothers and sisters in Christ, remember these children and dedicated workers and physicians,


With gratitude and love,


S. Jean Szilagyi